Join us February 12 from 7pm - 9pm in the Robert Schultz Lecture Theatre.
Join us on February 12th from 7:00pm - 9:00pm in the Robert Schultz Lecture Theatre as we host three guest speakers, Dr. Jane Barter, Dr. Daniel Rempel, and Dr. Chris Huebner.
Over two decades ago, the sociologist Peter Berger remarked that society, far from being completely secularized, was as "furiously religious as it ever was." While Christianity may no longer have a monopoly on religious discourse in Canada, discourses of theology, religion, and the sacred continue to shape our lives. The task of the theologian is to find words to go on speaking about the God revealed to us in Scripture even as the old words change or lose their meaning. Theology then, has as one of its tasks, the work of bearing witness. This is a work that cannot stop because while God may be unchanging, the world is not. For this year's Wilmot Lecture, we present a panel of theologians from Winnipeg who are each, in their own way, reflecting on what it means to bear witness in the world as it really is now. Covering diverse perspectives across various contemporary conversations in theology, Drs Jane Barter, Chris Huebner, and Daniel Rempel offer us snapshots of what it might mean to Witness in Canada today.