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What do I need to bring to the annual Blessing of Oils and Renewal of Vows liturgy?

Please bring a clean oil stock or small cruet for each type of oil/Chrism you’d like to receive. Cotton will be provided. If your stock/is not engraved receive different than the engraving, please ensure it is clearly labelled. 

OI = Oleum Infirmorum - Oil of the Sick / OC = Oleum catechumenorum - Oil of Catechumens

SC = Sanctum chrisma - Sacred Chrism 

How do I dispose of last year’s oils?

Each year once the Bishop has blessed/consecrated a new supply of holy oils/sacred chrism, any left overholy oils/sacred chrism should be appropriately disposed of and only new oil used.

Last year’s oils and sacred chrism (and cotton etc.) should be appropriately disposed of either by burial in sacred ground or by burning:

  • Burial can be in the sacred ground of the churchyard or at an Anglican cemetery.
  • Burning can occur during the lighting of the Paschal fire at the Great Vigil of Easter (if safe to do so) or at another dedicated time. 
  • Vessels should be cleansed using hot soapy water, and the water appropriately disposed of either in piscina or by pouring it in sacred ground in the churchyard.
  • Significant stocks of old oil/sacred chrism can be brought to the liturgy on March 17 and Steward Oils will ensure they are appropriately disposed of.

How can I replenish holy oils/ sacred chrism during the year?

Holy oils and sacred chrism are available throughout the year by contacting: 

The Rev. Matthew Bowman, Steward of the Oils 

Phone/Text: (204) 202-4807 



Arrangements for weekday/evening pickup can be made the following locations: 

  • at St. John's College (92 Dysart Rd.)
  • at the Parish of St. Michael and All Angels (300 Hugo St. N.)
  • at the Cathedral Church of St. John the Evangelist (135 Anderson Ave.)